- Mac Mountain Lion Theme Designers have used their creative impulses and talent to make themes that resemble aesthetically to Apple – Mac OS X. In this post we will introduce to you this awesome Mac Mountain lion Theme For Windows 7 which changes your Windows 7 aesthetically and particularly into one of the very first version Mac OS X Mountain.
- Mac OS X Lion’s UI is here for any Windows 7 64-bit user. CustoPack Download: CustoPack Tools is necessary for using this theme. It is basically a safe and easy way to install themes. Mac OS X Lion ObjectDock theme: A RocketDock theme is included, but I like.
Apple products are famous for being of really high quality and stylish design. Apple’s latest operating system Mac OS X Mountain Lion is an example of such a stylish design and cool effects.
The ultimate Mac OS X Lion Windows 7 theme can now be downloaded from our site. Includes new wallpapers and updates to the old Mac Windows 7 Themes. This Windows 7 theme can only be used on Windows 7 Home and higher, it is not working on Windows 7 starter.
For Windows 7 users, to get those stylish user Interface and themes, previously We have shared the Mac OS Transformation packs that will transform your Windows 7 UI into Mac OSX Mountain Lion User Interface. These transformation skin packs will transform your windows 7 to Mac OS automatically.
Visit our Top 10 Windows 7 Themes for your Windows 7 post for More themes.
Now In this post, We want to share one more step to attain Apple mac OS X feel in your Windows 7. Now get the Apple Mac OS X Lion Logon screen in your Windows 7. Just follow the instructions below to get the Mac OS X Lion Login screen.
How To Get Apple Mac OS X Login Screen in Windows 7
Step 1 : Download the Mac OS X Login Screen from here. Thanks to PeterRoller for this Awesome skin.
Step 2 : After that Extract the files using WinRar or 7 Zip. You will get 32 bit and 64 Bit folders and background screen images. (Use respective folders with Your 32 bit and 64 bit systems). Each folders have 2 DLL files that will give you the OS X ML Log in screen in your Windows 7.
Step 3 : Now Go to System32 folder in your system. That is C:WindowsSystem32
Note: For 64 bit user the Path is C:WindowsSysWOW64
Shortcut : Pres Win + R and Type System32 to open that folder directly.
Step 4 : Now time to replace your Windows 7 system files (DLLs)with MAC OS X Lion Skin DLLs. For that you have to take the ownership of that file.(At the End of this Post We will show you how to take ownership).
Step 5 : Now Go to Branding folder in your Windows 7 system. The path is : C:WindowsBranding. Now open the folder Basebrd and take the ownership of the basebrd.DLL in that folder.
Note : you can open this folder using Run command by typing Branding
Step 6: Now replace that dll file with Mac OS X Lion basebrd.DLL file
Note: For safety measures, take backup of the old DLL file by renaming it to basebrd_old.dll
Step 7 : Now time to set the Mac OS X Lion Login Screen background in Windows 7. for that change your Windows 7 login screen downloading the following tool. And Install it and change the background with that MAC OS X ML Background.jpg.
Thats it. Now restart your system as windows 7 and open as MAC OS X Mountain Lion 🙂
How To Take Ownership of System files in Windows 7 System
To Take ownership of your Windows system files, just download the following Registry script and install it. After that you will get the context menu Take Ownership, whenever you right-click the files.
Mountain Lion is an amazing operating system and even the Windows 7 users want to have a piece of it in form of a theme on their desktops.
Every year after hours of continuous brain storming and expert skills, Apple comes with eloquent devices and software that dramatically contribute to the world of art. It’s the smooth edges, exquisite style and calligraphic techniques that give Apple products a distinct feel of creativity and functionality. Apple – Mac OS X is one such product and despite its high performance some people just like it for its impeccable design.

Windows 7 has a huge advantage over Apple Mac OS X Lion in terms of its compatibility and just the fact that people are more used to it. Albeit, Windows 7 from Microsoft is a great OS to have but some people would just want to change how it looks only because they love the Apple art.
Mac Mountain Lion Theme
Designers have used their creative impulses and talent to make themes that resemble aesthetically to Apple – Mac OS X. In this post we will introduce to you this awesome Mac Mountain lion Theme For Windows 7 which changes your Windows 7 aesthetically and particularly into one of the very first version Mac OS X Mountain Lion (Puma) 10.8.
The theme is made perfect and you don’t have to do anything while it is installing. The installation process is fully automatic and all the components of theme are installed with just a single click. The skins, icons, menu resemble exactly Mac OS X Mountain Lionand there is not lag in performance for bringing that to you.
In order to install this theme properly you will need to disable User Account Control and close all running programs. You also need to restart your computer after you have completed the installation procedure for quick and correct installation of Mountain Lion Skin Pack to be removed (if previously installed), or other versions of packages to customize the interface (Skin Packs).

Supported operating systems:
– X86 (32Bit) – Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1
– For x64 (64Bit) – Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1
– Support for all system languages

If this theme doesn’t impress or intrigue you, Macos X for Windows 7 – 64bit by ZEUSosX sure will.
Download Mac Mountain Lion Free
MacOS X for Windows 7 – 64bit
Free Themes For Mac
This is more than a theme that makes your Windows 7 to behave more like a Mac. Features like separate mouse-over images, blue hover and text just like standard MacOS X. The theme is an awesome piece of work and it took the designer thousands of hours to come up with a piece of art as impeccable as this.
Mac Mountain Lion Iso
Download MacOS X for Windows 7 – 64bit by ZEUSosX.
Mac Mountain Lion Iso Download
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